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Culburra Beach Retreat.
Thursday August 24 – Sunday August 27 Would you like to escape the mountains winter with a short escape down the coast? Join Linda &...
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Pratyahara – the 5th Limb of Yoga
An analysis by Glyn Hubbard Pratyahara is the 5th limb of yoga and is described in Yoga Sutra II.54 as ”withdrawing the senses, mind and...
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Non-residential Retreat
Our retreat is on this weekend 24-26 May. Linda’s teaching will be inspired by her recent visit to Pune where she had the privilege to be...
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Bring a friend week!
Come along to any beginners class Tuesday April 23 - Sunday April 28 and bring a friend for free( l imit 1 free class per person). Book...
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The Yoga Women’s Workshop: A review and personal response
The Yoga Women’s Workshop focused on nurturing, restorative and quietly energising asana sequences in the context of an ongoing personal...
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Women's Workshop 2014
This workshop was very timely for me having some menstrual health problems to address. Through yoga poses and naturopathic advice we...
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The five Kosas and their qualities
The five Kosas are annamaya kosa (the physical body), pranayama kosa (the energetic body), manomaya kosa (the mental body), vijnanamaya...
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Testimonial by Diana Levy
I’m very discriminating about the quality of teaching of movement practises, as I’ve trained in many different physical disciplines since...
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What is the link between Asana and Pranajama?
”Asanas are like various branches spreading in different directions. Pranayama, which aerates the body with energy, is like the leaves...
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